And off to work we went...short-term booking...which is now over and I am back to square one...BORED...and maybe a little poor!!!

Despite the teeth gnashing and foot stomping I am still no further along in the process of selling my flat...WHY? I hear you may be because since putting it on the market some FIVE months ago, I have had the sum total of TWO viewings!!! No...we are not counting the first estate agent (the slimy, sacked one) as we are unsure WHAT he actually did...NO-OH-OH...this is with the new agency. The first was a young lady who said that although she "loved" the flat and had missed out on a similar one a few doors down, she was unprepared to pay the asking price...exit stage door left!!!
The second, a rather timid-looking, not so young man...this is the reason I make myself scarce during viewings...who preceded each question with an apology and a small bow...has yet to say anything!!! a friend recently observed...I may be here a while yet!!!