It has been some time since I wrote here...if one can play down OVER A YEAR as just that...and if I'm I ever anything but I ask myself...but I digress...nothing much and EVERYTHING has happened!!!
After selling said flat I lost the one I was after...attempted at two others but was thwarted by first a low budget supermarket and then low ceilings...explanations too tedious to divulge! Have been squatting with my sister for OVER A YEAR...committed to a job...NOT the EA role I was promising myself and...
...on property number four...whoever said third time lucky LIED!!! suits my purpose, needing a COMPLETE overhaul, alas it has been OVER A YEAR and in that time I have managed to accumulate a number of items...namely artwork, crockery and cutlery, a toilet and floor standing basin, both of which reside in my sister's hallway. Not to mention the items still in the stores, partially paid for...beds...sofas...a chaise lounge for crying out loud!!! But again I digress...
The point of this entry is to admit to myself that my repatriation is OH HOLD for the foreseeable least until I have secured somewhere to live on this side of the pond. To that end...introducing Blog No. 2...Mendi's Grandé Designs which should keep me occupied for some time to come!!!