I have taken time out from waiting for the flat to sell and given myself a six-week fact-finding mission. I am staying with friends who have recently built a fab house with a spectacular view..as you can see from mine from the hammock.
I have been in Grenada two weeks and in that time have collected my 3 barrels and 1 statue from the port, or customs if you prefer, which was a remarkably simple process. Albeit that the statue arrived broken, without the pieces in the packaging and the barrels missing items, some of which I have yet to identify I'm sure. This skullduggery is being fully investigated by the shipping agent as I type...
Not allowing this to dampen my fervor for the Tropics. I have diligently began interviewing builders, whose quotes I am and expecting any day now. So far, one builder has manage to misquote the wood for my flooring by some 2,000 sq ft...Mmm (finger on pursed lips).