Today I fell...and NO...I was not in the least bit inebriated...that was last night!!! I slipped on wet ceramic tile and managed to perform a straddle split any gymnast would have been proud to own...the only thing is...I'm in agony.
Self diagnosis tells me I have pulled my ham string or injured my Biceps Femoris at the very least. My hosts, who I am suing by the way, have been most gracious, Rolf furnished me with a crutch, and Nikki kindly ice-packed my injury, after some manhandling (me not her). However, this will not sway me from bringing separate civil suits against them!!!
Some may say this is just a ploy to extend my already ridiculous sabbatical...I refute this most fervently as I cannot wait to get back to good ol' Blighty for some rain, sleet and SMOG!!!