After suffering through 9 hours of a two year old jolting my seat and her mother telling her an infinite number of times to "stop kicking the lady's chair" but at the same time using the back of that very chair to constantly heave her bulk up to visit the facilities...not to mention the said child's constant screaming and general bad behaviour...premium just ain't what it use to be!!!
To a slight hiccup with the taxi driver, who was convinced he was waiting for a man (James Mendi)...I arrived home to fire my estate agent...who acted surprised, but immediately removed me from his site, met with his replacement...who was optimistic but not overly so, unpacked, took receipt of my shopping, which I had the ingenuity to do online while abroad, booked a much needed appointment with my hairdresser and went to sleep...only to be woken by a friend who had been frantically trying to reach me for weeks and was passing, saw the for sale signs and was worried I had sold up and disappeared without telling him...he stayed till after 01:00...I woke today with a headache accompanied by the flu that was receding...glad to be home...well... the sun did follow me!!!